Hello everyone! I’m Mr. Anker, and I teach music and band at Discovery Charter School. Students in grades K-8 have one general music class per week. Students in grades 4-8 have the opportunity to take an additional 30-minute lesson on a band instrument once a week. The music curriculum and music activities at DCS are designed to provide students with a fun and engaging way to learn basic-to-advanced music skills. Singing, playing instruments, moving to the beat, and making music online are just a few of the many skills learned in music classes. It is our goal for students to develop a life-long appreciation for music and the arts in their everyday life!
Kindergarten & First Grade
Kindergarten through 1st grade students are currently learning the very beginning basics of music such as: keeping a steady beat (pulse), walking/jogging (rhythm), and the differences between high/low, fast/slow, and soft/loud. K-1 students also play musical games with rhythm sticks, colorful scarfs, triangles, shakers, and frame drums.
Second & Third Grade
In 2nd and 3rd grade music, we are diving deeper into fundamental music skills – including musical symbols and how to properly draw a treble clef, bass clef, a 3-line note staff, and bar lines to separate each music measure. Solfege syllables and exercises are introduced during 2nd and 3rd grade, specifically do, re, mi, so, and la (a pentatonic 5-note scale).
Fourth & Fifth Grade
In 4th and 5th grade, students are introduced to the science and physics of sound, new vocabulary, and specifically how sound is created into the form of a wave using energy and vibration. Students work within both music and STEM standards to explore concepts such as sound waves, amplitude vs. volume, pitch vs. frequency, and timbre vs. wave shapes.
Middle School
In 6th, 7th, and 8th grade music classes, students have been composing/writing their own original music using Chrome Music Labs and other online music making web-based software. In addition, middle school students learn about careers in the music industry and the importance of music in several genres, historical, and cultural settings.
Welcome to our DCS Band Program
This year we have students from 4th thru 8th grade that are available to participate in our band program consisting of both group and individual lessons.
We were so proud of the Amazing things our first year band students were able to accomplish along side our School for the All School Winter Sing Along! With all grades participating we featured many songs and broadcast it live to our DCS community.