Hello everyone, I’m Ms. Caldwell, and I am thrilled to be teaching art at Discovery Charter school!  In the art room students will explore the creative process using a variety of materials and techniques to create two and three dimensional art works. 

     We focus on identifying the elements of art and principles of design in their own artwork and in the world around them. Students will explore a large range of mediums such as drawing, printmaking, clay, painting, and fiber arts.  Students will develop artistic skill building, problem solving skills and be introduced to a variety of art materials and mediums as well as processes.

In our first trimester we are learning about our art room, and all the fun materials and procedures! We will focus on the elements of art; color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value and how we use them to create masterpieces. We will focus on developing our fine motor skills and investigate paint. 


Our focus is on identifying the elements of line, shape, color, and texture in their own artwork and the world around them. 

Students are learning how to use art materials and develop their fine motor skills.

1st Grade

Students are learning about the art and life of artist Alma Thomas, an African American art teacher.  We are discussing the use of shape, line and color in Alma’s art.
Students are learning about abstract art and how it often shows a feeling and not a realistic picture. 
Students created their own line dot art using paint stix and created their own patterns.

2nd Grade

In our First Trimester we are working on line work creating trees inspired by the artist Gustav Klimt.

Students are discussing the use of different types of lines and learning how to create their own lines. After practicing and creating various lines they will apply them in their own creation of “tree of lines” inspired by Gustav Klimt.
Students will fill their masterpiece tree with characters, animals and plants that they chose to have live in them. They will work on their marker coloring, craftsmanship and creating a finalized product of their trees.

3rd Grade

In our First Trimester we are working on line work creating trees inspired by the artist Gustav Klimt.

Students are discussing the use of different types of lines and learning how to create their own lines. After practicing and creating various lines they will apply them in their own creation of “tree of lines” inspired by Gustav Klimt.
Students will fill their masterpiece tree with characters, animals and plants that they chose to have live in them. They will work on their marker coloring, craftsmanship and creating a finalized product of their trees.

4th Grade

Students are learning about various styles of graffiti and street art. 
We are discussing the difference between murals and graffiti and learning how to create word art in  various styles like bubble letter, sharp, wild-style, drip and block. 

Students are creating their own name art using one or more combined styles.  We are learning that good graffiti becomes more art and image focused and less readable, and students are working to create interesting graffiti with their names or nicknames. 
We are finishing our graffiti art by “spray painting” our names with watercolors and creating a brick wall using a sponge for texture. 

5th Grade

Students are learning about various styles of graffiti and street art. 
We are discussing the difference between murals and graffiti and learning how to create word art in  various styles like bubble letter, sharp, wild-style, drip and block. 

Students are creating their own name art using one or more combined styles.  We are learning that good graffiti becomes more art and image focused and less readable, and students are working to create interesting graffiti with their names or nicknames. 
We are finishing our graffiti art by “spray painting” our names with watercolors and creating a brick wall using a sponge for texture. 

6th Grade

Students are learning about various styles of graffiti and street art. 
We are discussing the difference between murals and graffiti and learning how to create word art in  various styles like bubble letter, sharp, wild-style, drip and block. 

Students are creating their own name art using one or more combined styles.  We are learning that good graffiti becomes more art and image focused and less readable, and students are working to create interesting graffiti with their names or nicknames. 
We are finishing our graffiti art by “spray painting” our names with watercolors and creating a brick wall using a sponge for texture. 

7th Grade

Students reviewed the elements of art (Line, Shape, Value, Color, Texture, Space and Form) and the Principles of Design (Balance, Scale, Contrast, Pattern, Movement and Rhythm, Emphasis and Unity.)
Students created mini artworks on index cards to display their knowledge of each element and principle. These mini artworks were assembled into accordion books for students to showcase all their knowledge of the principles and designs. 

8th Grade

Students reviewed the elements of art (Line, Shape, Value, Color, Texture, Space and Form) and the Principles of Design (Balance, Scale, Contrast, Pattern, Movement and Rhythm, Emphasis and Unity.)
Students created mini artworks on index cards to display their knowledge of each element and principle. These mini artworks were assembled into accordion books for students to showcase all their knowledge of the principles and designs. 

Want to help out our Art Program?

Hello DCS Families!

The ART classroom goes through quite a few materials in a year. 

Here is a list of some items that I would gladly appreciate any donations of to help out our future artists her at Discovery Charter School. 

Tempra Paint

Water Color Paint

Large Aprons

Cardstock Paper


Construction Paper

Black Sharpies (fine point)

Black Sharpies (bold point)

Plastic Placemats

Clorox Wipes


Expo Markers